...convenient, but very annoying when everyone insists that their days-long email is "IMPORTANT" must be read "IMMEDIATELY" and "READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH" with a "PLEASE REPLY A.S.A.P."
...nowadays, for a quick email, I tell folks everything they need to know in the Subject line.
...or I send a text message. Sorry if you don't get unlimited text.
or everyone should just join twitter. world would be such a better place.
@mom Hi!
I'm not sure if this blog was inspired by my PCN Choir emails or not... but if it was, I'm really sorry if they get annoying. It's just that:
Alternative #1:Saying everything in the subject linedoesn't always work with multi-part messages whose constituent parts are all useful pieces of information and therefore wouldn't fit, or with messages that require several different responses.
Alternative #2:Text messagingbecomes much more difficult with larger groups. (plus, what you already said about how not everyone has unlimited text.)
Just a thought...
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