I will exude pride in myself and in my work,
I will act passionately in hopes that others share in mine
I will welcome new friendships and alliances
I will speak with humility
I will critique of my own practice and embrace collegial input
I will model in my interview the way that I teach: relaxed; confident and with a sense of both authority and humor; quick to assess, adapt, and respond.
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Most importantly, I want for them to know that I want to teach with them. "You are different." I am moderately confident that I will be able to land a job somewhere, anywhere, but I don't want a job somewhere, anywhere. I want this job, here, with y'all. You respect students; I respect students. Your teachers focus their teaching around common themes of equity and social justice; this is the reason that I entered the profession of teaching. You follow the small school model; I need close relationships with fewer students and admin who also know my students and their families to do my job.
I need you -- and I'm pretty sure that you need me, too.
Please, please, please like me.
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Why the dragon?
Jaguar. >>http://www.urbanpromiseacademy.org/
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