Anyway. Blog Another Day.
Good night.
One small step for mankind, one giant leap backwards for womankind.
"Things White People Like"... Universalizing Statements
Whatever. Back to writing this crap paper.
Gracias, SFGate.
Tools to reclaim your time and goals
1. Start with a clear-cut list of what you want to accomplish short term and long term in your own life. A comprehensive survey across numerous cultures showed that the happiest people wake up every day to clear-cut life goals. Clear-cut goals allow the brain to focus on immediate steps and help prevent anxiety and depression from flourishing.
2. Eliminate people from your social network who are procrastinators and slackers. The newest research on social contagion theory from Harvard Medical School shows that people do things in clusters, such as quitting smoking and becoming obese. "Birds of a feather flock together" is true for goal accomplishment, as well.
3. Prime your environment for goal accomplishment. People who see words and pictures that spur them on to feel good about themselves and their goals behave more proactively than people who read stories, listen to music or see pictures of people or situations that make them depressed, or that remind them of failures in their lives.
4. Install an application like RescueTime, www.rescuetime.com, a free time-management tool, on your computer so that you can print out a log of where your time went that week. This will help you figure out how many hours you spent being productive and how many you spent on Facebook, Twitter or other sites that don't generate productive results.
5. Create accountability for yourself around results. Tell significant people what your goals are and when you expect to accomplish them. The more people who know about your goals, the more likely you are to accomplish them.
6. Remove all games, instant message programs and other distractions from your computer or cell phone so that you are not tempted to use them to distract yourself from getting work done. Use them as a reward, if anything.
7. Know your own procrastination sequence, and then break it. We all procrastinate by using specific behaviors and thoughts to take us off course, and once we know what those steps are, we are in a position to change them.
8. Have a "mastery" experience first thing in the morning so that you start the day with a "win" around self-regulation. This could mean doing your exercises or having a productive routine around making beds and sweeping a floor before the day is under way. Having a "win" first thing in the day has the domino effect of making you behave more proactively throughout the rest of the day.
9. Become a little bit happier. People who move their moods from negative to positive, or neutral to positive, by stimulating laughter or being generous, have been found to restore depleted willpower energy. Sometimes a quick look at a funny YouTube video, or calling a humorous friend, can make all the difference in getting something done.
10. Reward yourself for a completed job. People who reward positive actions are more likely to repeat those actions in the future. Rewards also allow us to savor something that makes us happy, which prolongs well-being and promotes further proactive behavior.
Friday the 13th

There were two this year. There's one more in November. I'm not a believer of Friday the 13th bad luck, but damn.
Today, ...fml. fml. fml. fml.
Walking, Talking, Thinking.
If I had time, this is what I would blog about:
-Living a stress-free life
-Learning how to be a good leader
-San Diego-bound ... so excited! Will I find refuge from this rain?
-How I get through mornings, even though I am by no means a "morning person"
-How surprisingly difficult it is to talk and trek for an hour and a half straight
Walking time gives me a lot of time to think, gives me that itch to write, and makes me wish that there were a way to blog and walk at the same time. C'mon Twitter, there's more to life than can fit in 140 characters!
Guide to An Efficient Homework Session... for me.
1. Close Facebook. Myspace. Twitter. Gchat. WHATEVER. I know it's boring, I know that no one is messaging you, but when you have your paper open in one window, and your News Feed open in another window, you're gunna suddenly become curious about that dude that lived on your floor freshman year whom you haven't spoken to in three semesters. You also won't care. But you'll wonder. And you'll wonder enough to abandon your paper for 4 more minutes.
2. Put away your TO-DO list. Put away your calendar. Worry about all that later.
3. Stop eating if you're not hungry. In fact, back away from the kitchen...
4. Keep a water bottle close at hand. It staves off hunger, minimizes reasons to leave your work (and become distracted yet again), and hey... in my experience, keeping hydrated solves a lot of personal medical problems.
5. Resist the urge to blog.
End note (not blog) to self.
...is a funny concept at this stage of life. How do you describe the people that you call friends?
-We have a shared history, and we haven't spoken in months, but she knows that I am there for her if she needs me
-I trust her
-He's always down to hang out, and it's always a great time
-He's always there to talk to me about the melodramas of a college student
-When we hang out, it's cool, but there is still an out-of-sight, out-of-mind thing going on
-We have a lot of shared interests. A lot. It's pretty ridiculous.
-I love her
-And him too
When I was young, I got into the habit of immediately labeling someone as my 'friend', even though we had just met that day. I think it came out of growing up in a military family and having to move around a bit. You were my friend if you:
-Welcomed me at recess or lunch
-Played basketball with me
-Partnered with me during classwork
In fact, from there stemmed a lot of the best friends that I have today.
And now, I use the term friend and best friend pretty interchangeably. Sometimes I feel that to not call my good friends 'best friend' would be to sell our relationship short.
So it goes. I'm a big talker (and listener, I hope). It almost doesn't matter if we have different interests, a different sense of humor, or different experiences... If I can talk for an hour straight with you, I immediately feel that 'best friend' closeness, and I only want to get closer.
So what's the problem? I argue that by today's standards, everyone is looking for a friend, a best friend, or a significant other. The lines aren't supposed to blur, the titles shouldn't overlap. Each role has its own specifications. People get uncomfortable when I interchange the meanings, afraid that I am getting too close for my own good. So what's the problem? It wasn't a problem, for me.
Until now. Maybe I'm buying into what society is teaching me is "right".
When it comes down to it, we all aren't looking for a 'friend', a 'best friend', or a 'significant other'. We're just looking for a human connection.
To my best friend: I am here for you because you need me. You may need me to step up to help you find the strength in yourself. You may need me to step back to allow you to use that strength. To my best friend: Thank you for listening to me, for holding me, without judgment. To my best friend: I miss you.
Maybe these words get tossed around too much for some, but I like it. To my best friend: I love you.